Friday, June 05, 2020

word of the day: embrangle

word: embrangle

[Benjamin] Franklin emerged from the crisis to find himself embrangled in another.

definition (per Merriam-Webster): embroil
definition of brangle (M-W): squabble, wrangle

Benjamin Franklin is in France during the American Revolutionary War. Lots of issues he has to deal with. During the time author Stacy Schiff is writing about, Franklin has been dealing with a shipment of supplies that was supposed to go to America, but has been repeatedly delayed. No sooner does the ship set sail than he has to deal with John Adams, Adams having come to France to run his own American diplomacy, a situation ripe for confusion, especially in the middle of a war. 

source: A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the birth of America
by Stacy Schiff
2005. Owl Books / Henry Holt & Co., New York

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