Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Oz and vampires

In an interview Charlaine Harris (author of the vampire mystery books filmed for HBO as True Blood) says a major influence was the Oz books:

“Frank Baum’s Oz books fed my imagination in a good way,” she says. “I read them over and over. I am still trying to find a way to work Princess Langwidere into a book.”

When I read that to long-time Oz Club friend Peter Hanff, Peter pointed out that I pronounced “Langwidere” to rhyme with “here.” Rhyme it with “there,” and you get a woman with a “languid air,” Peter said. 

Langwidere (who appeared in the book Ozma of Oz) wore a different head for every occasion. This was played for laughs in the book, but the makers of the Disney movie, Return to Oz, didn’t have to take the concept and character far for horror to manifest. I imagine Charlaine Harris would accentuate the fearful prospect of collecting undead heads, but I don’t know, I haven’t read any of her books. True Blood was fun.   


Publishers Weekly

May 8, 2023

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