Thursday, March 11, 2021

word of the day: suguration

word of the day: suguration

The elderly, ailing Aunt Jane is telling her heirs what to expect from her will.


Aunt Jane turned to her brother.

‘I have also provided for you, John, in the sum of five thousand dollars.’

‘Me!’ he exclaimed, astounded. ‘Why, suguration, Jane, I don’t —‘

‘Silence!’ she cried, sternly. ‘I expect neither thanks nor protests. If you take care of the money, John, it will last you as long as you live.’

Uncle John laughed.

I googled “suguration” and got one search result — Aunt Jane’s Nieces. The website Word in Context quotes exactly the same passage, but offers no definition. 

Presumably Baum coined it. I’m guessing the first two syllables “sugur” sound like “sugar.” So the word might be heard as “sugar-ration.” 

There is a long tradition of nonsense words being used in place of curses or other taboo words, from “darn” for “damn” to “freaking” for “fucking,” and Baum is not the first or last to make one up himself. Nor is it unusual to switch something sweet in for something nasty. The “honey wagon” that pumps the sewage out of your septic tank comes to mind.

source: Aunt Jane’s Nieces

by L. Frank Baum, writing as Edith Van Dyne

1906/2003. International Wizard of Oz Club, Antioch CA

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