Wednesday, October 07, 2020

word of the day: nem. con.

word of the day: nem. con.

The Mouse Prisoners’ Aid Society holds meetings under formal rules, recognition by the chair (the “madame chairwoman” in this case), suggestions requiring a second, and so forth. Not the sort of thing I knew about as a kid. When reading the series by Margery Sharp, I don’t remember whether I got as far as The Turret. If I had I certainly wouldn’t have gotten “nem. con.” Other than what one can guess from context, that is. 


A proposal has been made in the meeting. The Chair says, ‘I dare say a lot of us have soft hearts ourselves; but it needn’t mean having soft heads! — Anyway, I’ll put it to the vote: all those in favor of rescuing the notorious criminal Mandrake, hands up!’

Not a hand was raised.

‘Motion put,’ snapped the games-mistress [the Chair of the meeting], “no seconder, rejected nem. con.!’

definition (Oxford Dictionary of Business and Management): (abbreviation of Latin nemine contradicente: no-one disagreeing) These words are often used in the minutes of a meeting when no-one has voted against a proposition.

In this case no one voted in favor either. 


The Turret

by Margery Sharp

illustrations by Garth Williams

1963. Little, Brown, & Co., Boston

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