Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Publish-it-Yourself Handbook

From the diary: “January 12, 1981

The Publish-it-Yourself Handbook is very interesting and I am thinking of self-publishing The Collected Analy Tourguide.”

The Analy Tourguide was a column I wrote for the school newspaper. I’m sure I hadn’t written enough for a book by the time I wrote the above. But I had grand ideas. Then & now!

Here’s an addendum to the above entry: “Late night 11:15pm note: One more depressing addition is that Diana Hennessy checked a Ouija board over the weekend and Amy Johnson is going to die when she’s 18. Also a nuclear explosion will wipe out half the earth’s population within five years and the survivors will take refuge beneath the earth.

“In Oz maybe?”

Amy Johnson, by the way, was at Diana’s 40th birthday party last month.

And before we go, there’s this from January 14, 1981: “The book on self-publishing I got at the library has pretty much fallen out of its binding.”

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