Sunday, April 24, 2005

Doonesbury’s Greatest Hits

From the diary: “December 8, 1981

“Sunday I bought Doonesbury’s Greatest Hits for David from Copperfield’s. I wrapped it and now it’s sitting under the tree all by its lonesome.”

Of course I read it, too. Eventually. I wasn’t the politics junkie I’ve become. I remember the Doonesbury collections as rather dry and not visually interesting, especially considering the comics medium. The rhythms of a strip aren’t suited to long stints of reading. Because they have to allow for a reader jumping in at any time (or missing a day) they’re repetitive and wordy, the pacing slow. Gary Trudeau’s humor is often dry, too. I’ll have to admit even sophisticated teen Glenn hadn’t a preference for dry humor. Though his history teacher, who actually put more than one student to sleep with droning lectures, did have a dry sense of humor that rewarded attention. I remember there were like two or three of us who would laugh at his little jokes.

1 comment:

David Lee Ingersoll said...

It was the soap opera aspect of Doonesbury that I liked. I thought it was amusing but after awhile I just enjoyed catching up on these fictional people that I'd come to like. The political stuff just came with the package.

Of course if the politics had been right wing satire instead of left I probably wouldn't have read it long enough to get hooked on the soap opera.